Discover Odoo V18

24 octobre 2024
Montréal, Qc.

An exclusive event

After enjoying being a sponsor of the Odoo Roadshows, we decided to take the experience to the next level by puting together our own exclusive event.
It is our great pleasure to invite you to this first event organized by Arche TI for its precious clients and collaborators.

The goal of this special night is to offer you a moment even more instructive, with  in depth demonstrations and concret case studies to help you maximise the value you can find in the new version of Odoo. We will also be present to talk directly with you about the precise applications and how they match your industry and you project.

What to expect :

  • Detailed presentation of Odoo 18 with concrete case studies
  • Live demonstrations of the key functionalities
  • Use case scenarii to optimize your process
  • Personnalised discussions with oexperts from Arche TI and the Industry.

You will have opportunities to discover how Odoo can transform your operations while opening new paths of growth.


To register, please follow this link.