Arche TI services

Your company is unique. Our service reflects that perfectly.
We take interest in you, in your needs ​and in your objectives,
in order to make the best service offer we possibly can.

Contact us

Arche TI

Votre entreprise est unique. Notre offre reflètera exactement cela.

Nous voulons nous intéresser à vous, vos besoins, et vos objectifs,
pour pouvoir vous proposer le meilleur accompagnement possible.

Contact us

Quick start

Ready in a few weeks.

Depending on the complexity of your needs, we can set up a solution without coding in only a few weeks. 
This solution includes basic modules and is quickly functionnal, it satisfies the need of an average 30% of our clients.

Constant evolution.

Even with a simple start, your Odoo can expand et become entirely personnalized upon revised needs, specific requests or new processes that were not necessary at implementation.
We are always here to talk, even after launch.

Endless customization possibilities.

Your ERP (PGI, in French) can be configurated without limits: if you can say it, we can implement it.
Our team is trained to understand your needs, offer solutions and react to the unexpected.
Costs and timelines can evolve based on your demands: we will navigate together between needs and possibilities.

Comprehensive bespoke solution

We identify your needs...

Because each business has unique characteristics, Arche TI is committed to deeply understanding your process in order to offer specially tailored solutions, fitting your needs. maximise your results.

Big or small industries, vendors, manufacturers, institutions, craftspeople... We offer tools that are polyvalent, precise and easy to use to enable you to reach the desired results.

Technical Support

Arche TI is committed to you

Because technology experts understand that the quality of a product often depends on the quality of its service, Arche TI is dedicated to meeting your needs as well as addressing your questions and unexpected challenges. You won’t be left to navigate your new system alone: we provide training, as well as ongoing support and maintenance for the solutions we implement.

Service and Problem Resolution

Support is ongoing. We remain available and attentive to your challenges even after the solution has been implemented and your teams have been trained. Our Operational Success team is dedicated to follow-up and resolving post-launch situations.

Discutons de votre projet

Simple and custom

Understand what it's all about by booking a glimpse of the possibilities for your business.
After a brief exchange to begin knowing each other, the team will present Odoo and the most useful modules for your needs,
The demonstration is personnalized and all your questions will be taken into account.

More than 50.000 companies are using Odoo to grow their business.

Schedule your meeting and take it to the next level.

What is an ERP, and what does CRM mean?

Visit our resources section to learn more and exponentially boost your management capabilities.